Friday, September 23, 2022

Why Parent Involvement is Important

Who was the first person to read to you? It was probably your parents. They read you your first book, teach you your first words, help you learn how to walk and run. These are all key parts to getting students into school, without this then you can't walk into school on your first day of Kindergarten, you can't talk to new kids and make friends, your parents are the backbone to setting their child up for school. In an article about parent involvement, it states that no matter the parents race or economic class, having a positive parental involvement can increase students grades and test scores. For a positive parent involvement it can even be the little things, reading their child a book at night, having vocabulary set up around the house, teaching them new words. I know this all seems to be very simple but many teachers in younger education classes are having to alter or make sure that thier lesson plans teach all students the same thing, so if there is a student who has never had a book read to him, the teacher has to teach how to separate the words and pictures or the front of the book from the back. The more parents that get involved with their students education can benefit their student and the teacher so everyone in the classroom can be on the same page for learning other basic ideas.
Father and daughter smile together while working on homework together. 

As a student myself, I know it can be hard to feel like your parents are breathing down your back about school. It can get annoying sometimes, especially when you hit high school, you feel like you are old enough to handle it all on your own. I would like to say that throughout my primary education years I did it all on my own, but that would be lying to you. My mom herself was a teacher, she also didn't have the parent involvement that she gave me, she was all on her own: studying on her own, submitting college applications and scholarships on her own, she did it all without any help from her parents. So I can't say it is impossible to do on your own because my mom defeats that argument, but having a parent by your side to help you and relieve some stress is always helpful. Ever since I can remember, my parents were by my side at nights helping my studying vocabulary, math words, spelling, they were always making flashcards and teaching me in ways that my teachers weren't able to. That is why parent involvemnet in education is important, for kids who learn differently or take longer to learn, parents know their child better than anyone else and they can come up with inventive ideas to help their  students learn and understand the material better..

Importance of Educational Blogging

     What is educational blogging and why is it important? In all of my 20 years of life, I had never heard of this technological method to ...