Thursday, November 10, 2022

Importance of Educational Blogging

    What is educational blogging and why is it important? In all of my 20 years of life, I had never heard of this technological method to reach out to students or parents or for students to interact with their teachers and the real world. Educational blogging, often referred to as edublog, is an upcoming technology resource for students, teachers and parents to use for educational purposes. The use of technology inside of the classroom is often times being used for teachers to get students to interact and connect with their peers and the teacher because the world is becoming so involved with technology. 
    While reviewing many of my peers own blogs I found lots of information starting from supporting English language learners all the way to why there is a need for classroom routine. In many of my classmates blogs I did notice that a lot of the blogs and blog posts were aimed for an older audience, such as parents or other teachers. I think this is one of the best tools and one of the most common way that educators use their educational blogs, to reach out to an older audience and get support or ideas from them or to talk about their own ideas and values on certain topics. In one particular blog, I noticed in a blog the information about teacher salaries and classroom management in two different blog posts, I take this as a sign the blog is aimed for someone older, but there are also blogs such as Cassidy’s Classroom that seems to be aimed for parents but students are also able to interact with the blog through
h the pictures of them doing class activities. Through reading peers blog posts and seeing what they have learned throughout their time blogging you begin to see the great interest and amount of impact that future teachers want to make for their future students. 
Clipart picture of a teacher at the front of the classroom and the students engaged. 
    Last but not least my experience with blogging talk to others about experiences that I have gone through and do research on topics that truly interest me. On the other hand, because I am aiming to teach a younger age group in the future, I do not believe that I will be using this technique in the future to interact with my students or parents. I will continue to use a homepage for parents to log into and check on their students and the events or activities that are happening in the classroom. In conclusion, educational blogging was a wonderful learning experience that I was able to grow and learn more about ways to integrate technology into the classroom.

Importance of Educational Blogging

     What is educational blogging and why is it important? In all of my 20 years of life, I had never heard of this technological method to ...