Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Raising Teacher's Salaries

 One of the most controversial topics in education is teacher salary, why? When you look at the Standard of Living in most states and you compare them to teacher’s salaries it makes more sense. Most of teachers salaries are at least a couple thousand dollars below the standard of living, this makes it so that many teachers are going to have to work two jobs to compromise with the deficit of salary. Many teachers go to college or universities to gain a proper education in the field to be qualified to actually have the profession but with the amount of college loans and debt, teachers struggle to pay back their debt for many years. This is seems to be one of the biggest reason to why people choose not to go into teaching, they would not make back enough money to get out of college and immediately start paying off the debt.Teaching around the world is shown to be one of the most respected professions but to the United States the respect for those in the teaching profession drops significantly. Without teachers there would be no one to grow and be successful to be the next president or to create a cure for cancer, teachers are the foundation to people knowing and creating new things every day. 

Students in a classroom sit and listen to their teacher
 as she reads aloud a book. 
I remember I was in high school, in the car with my dad and we were talking about what I really wanted to do in life and where I was looking at colleges and why I was looking at those specific colleges. He asked me, “are you sure you want to be a teacher? You know they don’t always make the most money and I just want to make sure you are happy and successful in the career path you choose.” I looked at him and said, “it’s not about the money for me dad, this is what is going to make me happy.” When you ask many education majors about why they want to go into the field, most of the time they have a true love and want to be in the profession, I honestly don’t think I can say that about many other people on other career paths, most of the time the response is, “it’s cool,” or “yeah I guess it’s interesting.” I think teachers should get a higher salary and although my opinion might be biased, I do think it’s unfair that children’s education has to suffer due to lack of teachers in the world or lack of interest from teachers because they are burnt out from having to work all the time to survive. 

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